Our Mission at Wizards Publisher
Wizards Publisher serves as a global hub for over 300+ independent authors. We believe in the transformative power of words that connect us and shape a brighter future.
What We Do
At Wizards Publisher, we are dedicated to helping authors worldwide bring their stories and ideas to life through our extensive publishing network. Our team comprises over 5,000 employees globally, supporting over 300+ editorially and creatively independent imprints.
We provide a full spectrum of publishing services, from editorial and design to sales and marketing. Our portfolio includes adult and children’s fiction and non-fiction across both print and digital platforms, publishing 4000+ digital and print titles annually.
Our mission is to empower authors by leveraging global reach, cutting-edge technologies, and a collaborative approach at every step of the publishing process.
We’re With You Every Step of the Way
- Book Writing / Ghost writing
- Book Editing
- Book Formatting
- Book Publishing
- Book Marketing
- Author Websites
- Author Websites
- Audio Books
- Social Media Management
- Amazon PPC Marketing
- Book Fairs
- Book Signing Events
- Pre Launch Book Events